News Archive
All of the latest in PoLAR Partnership news, events, and products.

Polar Puzzles
Learn about the changing poles, piece by piece.
Join us for a Climate Game Jam in NYC!
October 2nd & 3rd at Barnard College
Hands-On Activity Explores Changing Arctic Sea Ice
Description and materials available for download
AMNH Connects Lifelong Learners to Climate Change
PoLAR stipends offer opportunities to teachers
Diverse Group Gathers for Climate Change Camp
Participants discuss impacts on the land and local culture
National Climate Assessment Education Resources for the Alaska Region
Lesson plans, readings, videos, and more to help educators explore key messages and authentic data.
Signs of the Land: Reaching Arctic Communities Facing Climate Change
A Camp Academy by and for Alaska Natives
Audio Adventure Podcast Explores Polar Climate Change
PoLAR Voices Debuts Episode 1 Plus Extended Expert Interview
PoLAR Co-PI Joey Lee Wins 2013 Strage Prize
Award recognizes junior faculty achievement.
Voicemails From the Future Explore the Impacts of Climate Change
PoLAR's FutureCoast Goes Live
PoLAR Heads to Alaska!
Math and science teachers enjoy hands-on testing of resources.
Annual Meeting of the PoLAR Partnership, 2013
Partners gather in NYC, participate in game night.
PoLAR Partners Selected to Present at Alaska Math & Science Conference
Sessions will focus on innovative classroom tools and professional development.
SMARTIC is Available to Play in Your Classroom!
Game instructions and materials are now featured on CAMEL.
PoLAR and Kiel Win Grant to Digitize SMARTIC
Marine spatial planning game will be transformed into touch screen form.
Sustainable Development Seminar Series: A New Record Low in Arctic Sea Ice Extent
PoLAR Partners discuss the implications of a rapidly changing Arctic.